Drug allergy in children: symptoms and treatments

Drug allergy in children: symptoms and treatments

In what situations does your child have an allergic reaction? How to control drug allergies in children? It is natural to have these concerns when children suffer from dermatitis, hives, or shortness of breath after taking medication. We will show you how to do it.

Symptoms of drug allergy

Symptoms can be different in two people with allergies, even if they are caused by the same medicine. This is due to the type of sensitivity and response of each person. Check out some of the allergy symptoms below:
• Skin manifestations: these occur a few hours after taking the medication, or even several days later. Hives, pimples, eczema or blisters with no apparent origin may appear. They are usually painful and cause a burning sensation.
• Respiratory manifestations: they are generally mild. However, they cause inflammation of the trachea and lung tissue. As a result, the airways close, preventing normal breathing.
• Neurological symptoms: Similar to what happens in lung tissue, when there is a stronger reaction, brain tissue is affected. Therefore, the symptoms produced are dizziness and vertigo.

Allergic treatments

There are many drugs that are effective and easy to use. Some are over the counter, while others require a prescription. It is important to note that both groups of drugs should always be recommended by the child's pediatrician.
• Antihistamines: These have been used for allergies for the longest time. They suppress the effects of histamine i.e. inflammation, itching and mucus production in the tissues. For mild allergies, pediatricians recommend a spray, syrup, or chewable antihistamines that melt.
• Decongestants: These are given to decongest the nose and are sometimes prescribed with antihistamines. However, the side effects of these drugs include hyperactivity, anxiety, palpitations, or difficulty sleeping. This is why its use must be strictly prescribed and for a limited period of time.

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